03/2024: Xuyang and Hedayat advance to PhD candidacy. Congratulations Xuyang and Hedayat
12/2023: Xuyang successfully measures his IC for the PNT collaborative project. Congratulations Xuyang.
10/2023: Behnam’s IEEE TCAS I paper is accepted for publication. Congratulations Behnam.
06/2023: Our group receives an ARL NCMS grant in collaboration with two other groups at UCI.
05/2023 : Our group receives a NSF grant in collaboration with FIU to develop the next generation of communication systems.
04/2023 : Our first collaborative article on ML-based circuit design is accepted for publication in ICML.
04/2023 : Xuyang successfully measured his first phase-locked mm-wave radar. Congratulations Xuyang!
04/2023 : Our group receives a NSF grant to develop aerial network of sensing and imaging UAVs. Thank you NSF!
03/2023 : Hedayat receives the prestigious IEEE MTTS pre-doctoral fellowship award. Congratulations Hedayat!
02/2023 : Hedayat published an IEEE Access article on broadband terahertz antenna design! Congratulations Hedayat
09/2022 : Our collaborative paper with FIU has been accepted for publication in IEEE Globecome workshop.
09/2022 : MFLEX Inc. has sponsored our group for a multi-phase research proposal. Thank you MFLEX!
06/2022 : Behnam received the NSF travel grant award from RFIC 2022. Congratulations Behnam!
06/2022 : Hedayat’s first journal paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE TAP 2022. Congratulations Hedayat!
04/2022 : Our new collaborative paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE ISIT 2022!
04/2022 : Hedayat has been awarded the IEEE CICC Student Education Grant 2022. Congratulations Hedayat!
03/2022 : Our RFIC paper on 76-82 GHz low-noise VCO is accepted. Congratulations Behnam and Xuyang!
07/2021 : Hedayat’s first paper as a HIE member is accepted for publication in IEEE AP symposium. Congratulations Hedayat!
12/2020 : Xuyang and Hedayat successfully passed their PhD preliminary exam. Congratulations to both of you!
08/2020 : Our new paper about millimeter-wave radars-on-chip is accepted for publication in IEEE Communications Magazine!
08/2020 : Xuyang Liu joins HIE labs as a PhD student. Welcome Xuyang!
08/2020 : Hedayat Maktoomi joins HIE labs as a PhD student. Welcome Hedayat!
05/2020 : UCI Samueli School of Engineering highlights our featured APR paper. Check it out here!
04/2020 : Please check out our featured APR article here!
03/2020 : Our APR paper is selected as editor’s pick featured article.
01/2020 : Hafsah Arain joins HIE labs as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Hafsah!
11/2019 : Marcus Clark Wong joins HIE labs as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome Marcus!
10/2019 : Our group website is launched.